澳門青年管樂團簡介 YSB INTRO澳門青年管樂團簡介 Updated: 29/06/2018 澳門青年管樂團為澳門管樂協會屬下之管樂團,成立於1997年,目的為澳門本地青少年管樂好手提供一個正統的管樂訓練,成員來自澳門多所中學的管樂團成員,亦有一些大專院校學生及在職人士等,他們同時肩負著推動澳門管樂活動的責任。 樂團成立不久即赴台灣參加嘉義國際管樂節,亦曾於澳門藝術節及《澳門管樂藝術節》中演出。過往參與於多個城巿舉行的《亞太管樂節》,2006年8月,樂團於澳門管樂協會主辦的《第十四屆亞太管樂節》開幕音樂會中演出,深獲好評。2004年6月,樂團聯同訪澳演出的美國伊士曼管樂團於澳門文化中心綜合劇院同台演出進行曲大王蘇沙的“Hands across the sea”,並接受指揮Mark Davis Scatterday的指導。2010年5月,樂團參加於上海舉行的《世博號角》系列活動,包括第四屆非職業優秀管樂團展演,取得金獎之優異成績,並進入世博園區參與文化表演活動。2011年7月,樂團赴台灣參加由嘉義巿政府主辦的《世界管樂節》亞洲日演出,同時赴台南與台南大學及美國南伊利諾大學管樂團進行交流音樂會。2012年7月,赴新加坡參加《第十七屆亞太管樂節》,2013年7月赴泰國與泰國馬希竇大學及農業大學交流。2014年8月,赴韓國濟州參加《第十八屆亞太管樂節》。2015年12月,樂團赴台灣參與《嘉義巿國際管樂節》,受當地巿民歡迎。2016年7月樂團赴北京參與《第十九屆亞太管樂節及北京國際管樂節》的演出及比賽。多年來青管的演出足跡已遍及香港、廣州、深圳、上海、北京、台灣、新加坡、泰國、韓國及奧地利等地;201年7月青管遠赴奧地利施拉德明市參與《第二十屆歐洲中部管樂節》演出及比賽,並榮獲比賽中級組之第一名,是本澳歷史上第一隊於歐洲比賽中奪冠的澳門管樂團。 本地演出方面,除了參與協會每年舉行的系列活動外,青管還參與由多個政府部門主辦的活動,包括由澳門民政總7署主辦的《航天英雄.情繫濠江》歡迎晚會以及由民總署及法國文化協會合辦的《夏至音樂日》起動儀式,於大三巴及板樟堂前地之商舖內組織多個“快閃”音樂演出。連續六次獲選參與由澳門基金會舉辦的巿民專場演出,包括2012年及2018年《最愛久石讓》、2013及2014年《愛很簡單》、2015年《電影音樂夢工場》、2016年《老鼠愛上貓》、2017年《航向新世界 – 草帽路飛與同伴的大歷險》音樂會;還有由文化局主辦的澳門國際音樂節《大搖大擺大炮台》爵士樂音樂會、《澳門拉丁城區大巡遊》、《澳門藝術節》開幕音樂會及《未來的希望》音樂會,2014年4月11日,為《迪士尼之夜》音樂會作專場演出,觀眾全場爆滿,深獲好評,4月18日再與英國伯明翰大學交響管樂團作交流演出,2015年7月於《管樂藝術節》中由紐約Queer城巿交響樂團藝術總監Julie Desbordes帶領樂團與前加拿大銅管五重奏成員及美國琵琶第音樂學院教授Joe Burgstaller同台演出,團員獲益不淺。 Macau Youth Symphonic Band The Macau Band Directors Association (MBDA) founded the Macau Youth Symphonic Band (YSB) in 1997. The band aims to provide opportunities to local young musicians to have proper music training. Its members include wind band players from local schools, higher education students, and enthusiasts. They play an active role to promote wind music in Macau. Soon after its establishment, YSB participated in the Chiayi City International Band Festival in Taiwan. The band has also performed in the Macau Band Fair, and the Asia Pacific Band Festival held in different cities. In August 2006, the band was very well received in the opening concert of the 14th Asia Pacific Band Festival held by MBDA. In June 2004, the band performed Hands Across the Sea, composed by John Philip Sousa, also known as the King of March, with the Eastman Wind Ensemble (USA) conducted by Mr. Mark Davis Scatterday. In May 2010, the band went to Shanghai to participate in the “Olympic Fanfare” series activities, in which it won the Gold Medal from the 4th Non-Professional Outstanding Band Showcase. The band was also invited to perform in the Expo Park. In July 2011, the band was invited to perform in the “Asian Day Concert” of the International Band Festival held by the city government of Chiayi, Taiwan. At the same time, the band also went to Tainan to have exchange concerts with wind bands of National University of Tainan and Southern Illinois University of USA. In July 2013, the band traveled to Thailand and had exchange concerts with the bands of Mahidol University and Kasetsart University. In August 2014, the band participated in the 18th Asia Pacific Band Directors' Association Conference in Jeju, Korea. YSB travels to different places to perform, including Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Beijingm Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand, Korea and Austria. In July 2017, YSB went to the Mid Europe Festival for Wind Music in Schladming, Austria. And they won the first prize in the C category in the competition. They are the first wind symphony band who won a first prize in an European competition in the history of Macao. YSB often participates in government organized events, including the welcome gala for the visit of the delegation of Shenzhou No. 9, held by the Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau (IACM) and the “Summer Music Day”, held by IACM and Alliance Française. Members of the band performed in flash mob style from the Ruins of St. Paul’s to the St. Dominic's Square. YSB performed in three citizens’ concerts; “The Best of Joe Hisaishi” Citizens' Concert and “El Amor es Simple”, sponsored by the Macao Foundation. YSB was also invited by the Cultural Affairs Bureau (ICM) to perform in the Macau International Music Festival - “Ain't That Swinging in Mount Fortress!” jazz concert, “Parade through Macao, Latin City”, “Macao Arts Festival” opening ceremony concert and “The Future of Classical Music Concert”. In April 11, 2014 on “Disney Magical Night”, the full house audience praised the band with good feedback. On April 18, 2014 the band had an exchange concert with the Birmingham Symphonic Winds of UK. |