Activities 2012
PHOTOS 2012-5-22 | PHOTOS 2012-5-23 MASTER CLASS | MEDIA |
Dr. Steven Marx | Henry Henniger | Dr. Kevin Sanders | Rosie Turner | Wu TianXia |
"Charming Brass"
二零一二年五月廿二日 星期二 晚上八時正
小號:Dr. Steven Marx
長號:Henry Henniger
上低音號及大號:Dr. Kevin Sanders
小號:Rosie Turner
節目查詢 (853) 2825 2825
綱址 贊助單位:澳門基金會 教育暨青年局 文化局 民政總署
《Charming Brass》
22nd May 2012 (Tue) 8pm ,St. Dominic Church ,Free Admission
The concert features the brass solo and ensemble music by Toru Takemitsu, James Stevenson, Leonard Bernstein, Enrique Crespo and Johann Sebastian Bach.
Programme Enquiries(853) 2825 2825
Presented by: Macau Band Directors Association
Sponsors by:
Macao Foundation
Cultural Affairs Bureau
Education and Youth Affairs Bureau
Civic and Municipal affairs Bureau
澳門日報 Macao Daily News 2012-5-23
Dr. Steven Marx, Trumpet
Steven Marx曾於國際管樂比賽中贏得獎項,並得到樂器製造商Yamaha公司贊助成為Yamaha青年藝術家,於美國本土以致世界各地,包括英國、巴哈馬、日本、台灣及澳門等地演出。2002年於美國全國小號比賽中取得第二名之成績,並於英國曼徹斯特舉行的國際小號聯合會比賽中摘取桂冠。2003年獲美國小號比賽主辦單位頒發Lake Placid獎學金,以表揚對小號演奏方面的有深遠影響的獨立人士。Steven Marx早年於Grand Valley大學取得音樂學士學位,其後入讀依士曼音樂學院並取得音樂演奏碩士文憑,繼而獲頒授音樂藝術博士學位。在依士曼音樂學院深造期間獲頒發優秀演奏家證書,2008年取得優秀教學助理大獎。2004至2009年於紐約羅切斯特Nazareth學院教授小號,之後任教於北科羅拉多大學,過往曾與羅切斯特愛樂樂團、羅切斯特清唱劇協會、羅切斯特室樂團、Avatar銅管五重奏及西岸交響樂團合作演出,並跟隨美國依士曼管樂團作巡迴演出及錄音,現時為Apex銅管五重奏及之Aire二重奏成員。
Steven Marx is an international competition winner and former Yamaha Young Artist, having performed throughout the United States and internationally in countries such as England, the Bahamas, Japan, Taiwan, and Macao. In 2002, Professor Marx won second place at the National Trumpet Competition, and also was awarded first prize in the Mock Orchestra Competition at the International Trumpet Guild Convention in Manchester, England. He was awarded the National Trumpet Competition Lake Placid Scholarship in 2003, given to the individual most likely to make the biggest impact on the trumpet world. Marx completed a Bachelor of Music degree from Grand Valley State University, a Masters of Music degree with a Performance Certificate from the Eastman School of Music, and is ABD at the Eastman School of Music in the Doctorate of Musical Arts degree. While at Eastman, Steven was awarded the prestigious performers certificate and was the recipient of the 2008 Teaching Assistant Prize of Teaching Excellence. Before joining the faculty at the University of Northern Colorado, he taught trumpet at Nazareth College, in Rochester, NY from 2004 – 2009. Mr. Marx has performed with the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, the Rochester Oratorio Society, Rochester Chamber Orchestra, the Avatar Brass, West Shore Symphony, and has toured and recorded with the Eastman Wind Ensemble. Currently, Professor Marx performs nationally with the Apex Brass and the Aire Duo.
Henry Henniger, Trombone
Henry Henniger經常於美國本土參與多個交響樂團及音樂節的演出,並以獨奏者身份與多個管弦樂團及管樂團合作演出。現時為波特蘭歌劇院樂團及俄勒崗笆蕾舞團交響樂團的首席長號,同時為俄勒崗五重奏成員。2010年加入俄勒崗大學擔任長號副教授。Henry Henniger成長於俄勒崗州,先後於印第安納大學及紐約曼哈頓音樂學院取得長號演奏學士及碩士學位,在曼哈頓音樂學院就讀期間成為管弦樂表演計劃的成員,曾獲頒發約翰克拉克大獎以表揚其優秀的銅管樂演奏,於過往曾出任俄勒崗州立大學的長號教席。活躍於長號演奏,經常參與獨奏及與管弦樂的演出工作,在聯同Imperial Brass參與Summit唱片公司一張名為Bone-A-Fide Brass 的專輯的製作時,擔任當中長號獨奏部份,更與特邀獨奏家,紐約愛樂樂團長號首席Joseph Alessi合作演奏。過往曾與多位著名指揮家合作,包括Kurt Masur、Sir Colin Davis及Gerald Schwarz.,分別於美國林肯中心艾弗里費雪演奏廳及卡內基音樂廳演出。
Locally, Henniger frequently performs with the Eugene Symphony, Sunriver Music Festival, Spokane Symphony, Astoria Music Festival, Oregon Bach Festival, and the Oregon Symphony. He has also been a featured soloist with several orchestras and wind ensembles throughout the region, including Central Oregon Symphony, Linfield College Wind Ensemble, Oregon State Wind Ensemble, University of Portland, and the Vancouver Symphony (WA). He is currently principal trombone of the Portland Opera and Oregon Ballet Theatre and is also a member of the Oregon Brass Quintet. Henry Henniger joined the University of Oregon faculty as assistant professor of trombone in the fall of 2010. A native Oregonian, he previously held faculty teaching positions at Oregon State University and Linfield College. Henniger started his musical career at Indiana University, where he received his bachelor’s degree in trombone performance. He received his master’s at Manhattan School of Music, where he was a member of the prestigous Orchestral Performance program and was awarded the John Clark Award for excellence in brass performance. Active as a soloist and orchestral musician, Henniger has performed with a wide variety of ensembles, including Di Capo Opera (NY), Park Avenue Symphony (NY), Axiom Brass (AK), and Imperial Brass (NY). While playing with Imperial Brass, he recorded under Summit Records and was featured as a soloist on their Bone-A-Fide Brass album with guest soloist Joseph Alessi, principal trombone of the New York Philharmonic. Henniger has also recorded under Sun King Productions, Emeritis Records and Orange mountain Music labels, working under internationally acclaimed conductors such as Kurt Masur, Sir Colin Davis, and Gerald Schwarz, including performances in New York City’s Avery Fisher and Carnegie Hall.
Dr. Kevin Sanders, Tuba and Euphonium
Kevin Sanders成長於美國阿肯色州小石城,曾於南美、歐洲及美國本土擔任演奏及樂器講座主持,音樂生涯始於入讀專門啟發年青藝術家的藝術才華,位於密茲根的Interlochen藝術學校開始,中學畢業後考入印地安納大學,取得音樂學士學位,之後分別於茱莉亞音樂學院及密茲根州立大學取得碩士及博士學位。
Kevin活躍於不同類型的演出,經常於美國與當地的管弦樂團合作,又舉行獨奏音樂會及大師班。1999年與其餘九位美國人獲挑選參加Jeunesse Musicales世界管弦樂團於北美及歐洲巡演,先後與多位著名的指揮家合作,包括Kurt Masur、Lorin Maazel、Frederick Fennell及James Conlon等,曾於紐約卡內基音樂廳與指揮大師Charles Dutoit 及Michael Tilson Thomas等同台演出,並幸運地跟隨幾位出色的銅管樂老師學習,包括Dan Perantoni、Tony Kniffen、David Fedderly及 Joseph Alessi等。
Kevin同時透過茱莉亞社區室內樂音樂教育推廣計劃,於紐約市主持舉行一系列教育音樂會,並於中學、高等院校及國際步操樂團聯盟舉行的講座中,擔任廣受歡迎的管樂呼吸練習Breathing Gym的主講者,並於阿肯色州管樂指揮協會、田納西州音樂教育會議、美國陸軍軍樂團低音重奏、國際低音號及上低音號協會中主持講座。目前分別任教於孟菲斯市大學Rudi E. Scheidt音樂學院、阿肯色州大學Potsdam Crane音樂學院及Blue Lake藝術夏令營。
Kevin Sanders hails from a small town outside of Little Rock. He has been a performer and clinician in South America, Europe, and throughout the United States. His musical instincts began to develop while attending the Interlochen Arts Academy in Michigan, a boarding school for aspiring young artists. After graduating fromInterlochen, Mr. Sanders attended Indiana University where he earned a bachelors degree in music. He also holds a masters degree in music from The Juilliard School of Music, and a doctorate from Michigan State University.
Dr. Sanders actively performs with orchestras and presents recitals and master classes around the United States. He is a member of the Memphis Brass Quintet and has performed with the American Brass Quintet, New Mexico Symphony, Spoleto USA Festival Orchestra, New World Symphony in Miami, Chicago Civic Orchestra, Columbus Philharmonic, Evansville Philharmonic and the Terre Haute Symphony. In 1999 he was selected as one of nine Americans to play with the Jeunesse Musicales World Orchestra for their North American and European tours. He has worked under internationally acclaimed conductors such as Kurt Masur, Lorin Maazel, Frederick Fennell, and James Conlon, including performances in New York City’s Carnegie Hall under the batons of Charles Dutoit and Michael Tilson Thomas. Through the years Dr. Sanders has been fortunate to study with some of the most legendary brass virtuosi, including Dan Perantoni, Tony Kniffen, David Fedderly, and Joseph Alessi.
Dr. Sanders has presented educational concerts in New York City through Juilliard’s Community Chamber Music program and is a sought after Breathing Gym clinician, having worked with high school, college, and DCI programs. He has also been a featured clinician at the Arkansas Bandmaster’s Association Conference, Tennessee Music Educator’s Conference, Washington D.C. Army Band Tuba-Euphonium Conference and the International Tuba-Euphonium Conference. He currently serves on the faculty of the University of Memphis Rudi E. Scheidt School of Music and has held positions on the faculties of the University of Arkansas - Fort Smith, SUNY-Potsdam Crane School of Music, and the Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp.
Rosie Turner, Trumpet
Rosie Turner出生於澳洲,2006年於澳洲悉尼大學取得音樂學士學位,2011年於美國費城寇蒂斯音樂學院取得藝術家文憑,師隨費城管弦樂團小號首席David Bilger。過往曾參與悉尼交響樂團、西澳洲交響樂團、塔斯曼尼亞交響樂團、澳洲歌劇舞劇院交響樂團及香港管弦樂團的演出。2011年9月加入澳門樂團擔任第二小號樂手。
Born in Australia, Rosie Turner gained her Bachelor of Music from the University of Sydney in 2006. In 2011 she completed her Artist’s Diploma at the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia where she studied with David Bilger, principal trumpet of the Philadelphia Orchestra. She has worked with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, the West Australian Symphony Orchestra, the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra, the Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra, and the Hong Kong Philharmonic. Ms Turner joined the Macau Orchestra as second trumpet in September 2011.
Wu TianXia, Horn
1995年考入上海音樂學院附中,繼續跟隨姚複鳴學習圓號。1998年3月,成功進入亞洲青年管弦樂團,並擔任圓號首席,是當年最年輕的聲部首席,年僅15歲。1998年7月至9月間,在首席指揮Serge Commisiona帶領下,在法國、德國、荷蘭、瑞士等究七個國家巡迴演出,並於次年繼續隨亞洲青年管弦樂團赴美國,日本和加拿大等地演出。在上音附中期間,吳天遐曾兩次獲得傅成賢獎學金,包括一次二等獎,一次三等獎。1999年,並開始接受著名圓號教育家韓銑光教授的指導。
2000年,在Martin Hacklemann(現任美國國家交響樂團圓號首席、原溫哥華交響樂團圓首席、原帝國銅管五重奏和加拿大銅管五重奏成員)的極力推薦下,免面試進入美國Interlochen藝術學院(高中),師從Julie Schleif開始了在美國的留學生涯。
2002年在80多名圓號考生中,脫穎而出,考入世界最知名的紐約茱莉亞音樂學院,這次歷史性的突破,為中國帶來第一位、也是唯一一位進入該校的銅管學生。並作為茱莉亞當年唯一入取的圓號,獲得院長級學士稱號,並獲得全額獎學金。在茱莉亞音樂學院師從Jerome Ashby (現任紐約愛樂樂團首席圓號首席)。在學院期間,曾多次作為圓號首席在紐約林肯中心艾莉絲杜莉會堂、艾弗里費雪演奏廳和茱莉亞劇院,及世界聞名的卡內基音樂廳演奏。曾擔任茱莉亞交響樂團首席圓號,在艾弗里費雪演奏廳成功演出蕭斯塔科維奇第五交響樂,獲得巨大成功。2004年10月,入選茱莉亞New Juilliard Ensemble室內樂五人組,赴倫敦與皇家音樂學院室內樂團合作演出,並錄製鐳射唱片。2005年,作為特邀嘉賓,參與錄製了美國銅管五重奏的專輯《In Gabrieli's Day》。
2008年,吳天遐獲得全額獎學金,進入耶魯大學,師從 William Purvis,攻讀演奏家學位。至此,他已擁有了茱莉亞音樂學院的本科及碩士學位。
Wu TianXia received a bachelor and master degree in music from the Julliard School of Music in 2006 and 2008 respectively. He then got the Artist Diploma in the Yale University in 2010. Wu has worked with various orchestras including The Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra, New World Symphony Orchestra and Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra as the guest Horn Principal and guest Hornist.
He is now the Principal Horn of Macao Orchestra.
Macao Daily 2012-5-18