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Activities 2013

The Art of Trumpet
Nelson Leong's Trumpet Recital


二零一三年十二月九日 星期一 晚上八時正

梁樂鳴 小號獨奏   

廖國敏 鋼琴

泰勒曼 - D大調小號協奏曲
史蒂文斯 - 小號與鋼琴奏鳴曲
法蘭適 - 小號小奏鳴曲
依瓦森 - 小號與鋼琴奏鳴曲
蓋西文 - 三首前奏曲



節目查詢:(853) 2825 2825
贊助:文化局 教育暨青年局 民政總署

“The Art of Trumpet” Nelson Leong's Trumpet Recital
9th December 2013 (Mon) 8pmSt. Joseph’s Seminary & Church
Presented by: Macau Band Directors Association

Nelson, Leong, Ngok Meng (Trumpet)
Trumpet Player of Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra
Master of Mannes College the New School for Music
Lio Kuok Man (Piano)

G. P. Telemann, Concerto in D
H. Stevens, Sonata for Trumpet and Piano 
Jean Françaix, Trumpet Sonatine
E. Ewazen, Sonata for Trumpet and Piano 
Gershwin, Three Preludes

梁樂鳴  小號
Nelson Leong, trumpet

澳門青年小號演奏家,以優異成績於美國紐約市曼尼斯音樂學院( Mannes College the New School for Music) 取得小號演奏碩士學位,師從前紐約愛樂小號演奏家Vincent Penzarella,並跟隨低音長號演奏家David Taylor 學習室內樂。2010年獲三藩巿音樂學院(San Francisco Conservatory of Music) 音樂學士學位,師承三藩巿歌劇院前代理小號首席David Burkhart。

自八歲便初試啼聲於培正中學管樂團,後跟隨香港小交響樂團前小號首席馮啟文老師以及澳門樂團小號首席David Rouault學習小號;並曾於Gábor Tarkövi, Philip Smith, Kevin Cobb, Eric Aubier 大師班演奏。自1997年至今,作為澳門青年管樂團及澳門青年交響樂團的創團成員,梁氏以小號首席的身份隨團到歐洲、澳洲、亞洲及中國各大城巿演出。

梁氏自9歲首次取得澳門青年音樂比賽小號初級組冠軍後,其後幾年亦在小號獨奏、銅管室內樂及鋼琴方面也獲得多個獎項;十一歲已隨香港演藝學院管樂團至新加坡巡迴演出;在2001及2002年獲文化局邀請於 “藝蕾初綻” 音樂會以小號獨奏者身份與前澳門室內樂團、廣州交響樂團及深圳交響樂團合作演出Hummel及Haydn小號協奏曲;2002及2005年於澳門青年交響樂團“澳門樂壇新一代”音樂會上,分別以小號及鋼琴與樂團合作協奏曲。2007及2008年於「澳門樂壇新一代」 擔任指揮。2010年以小號獨奏身份與澳門青年管樂團合作演出Arutunian小號協奏曲。在美留學期間,亦活躍於音樂圈,經常參與獨奏、室內樂及管弦樂團等各種形式演出,並多次於卡內基音樂廳及林肯中心演奏。現為澳門特約音樂家,澳門管樂協會小號及樂團演奏指導導師、澳門大學管樂團助理指揮及數間中小學的小號導師及指揮。

廖國敏 鋼琴
Lio Kuokman, Piano

獲《費城詢報》評為「令人矚目的指揮奇才」,廖國敏在指揮、鋼琴獨奏,或室樂演出的邀約不絕。廖氏既指揮演出交響樂,也指揮演出歌劇。曾與美國費城樂團、加拿大國家藝術中心交響樂團、薩爾斯堡室樂團、丹麥國家交響樂團、法蘭克福歌劇院與博物館樂團、香港管弦樂團、香港小交響樂團、泛亞交響樂團、香港名家樂友、台北愛樂管弦樂團、澳門樂團等合作。他又擔任費城樂團的客席助理指揮為指揮家杜托爾、杜南憶、范志登、艾森巴赫、狄尼菲、德布爾戈斯的助理;也曾是波士頓韓德爾與海頓古樂團的助理指揮。他獲美國巴爾的摩交響樂團音樂總監艾索普的邀請,在大師班上指揮巴爾的摩交響樂團,及獲水牛城愛樂樂團音樂總監法麗達的邀請指揮水牛城愛樂樂團。又獲大衛.艾費朗指揮獎學金擔任沙托華學院音樂節的駐院指揮。廖氏曾在多個國際音樂節上演出,包括北京國際音樂節、美國卡布魯現代音樂節、韓國大山音樂節、香港藝術節、澳國國際音樂節等。指揮演出歌劇方面包括《唐喬望尼》、《費加羅的婚禮》、《卡門》、《愛情甘露》、《鄉村騎士》、《小丑》、《嵐嶺痴盟》,並於2010年與非凡美樂合作唐尼彩第《軍團的女兒》作香港首演。 廖氏不單與專業樂團演出,也熱心音樂教育,先後擔任紐約青年交響樂團見習指揮、新英格蘭音樂學院青年交響樂團助理指揮、蒙哥馬利縣青年樂團音樂總監;又率澳門青年交響樂團到中國和日本巡迴演出、與美國寇蒂斯音樂學院樂團到韓國演出、客席指揮香港演藝學院樂團,及與阿富汗青年交響樂團與新英格蘭音樂學院學生聯合演出任客席指揮。 廖國敏曾與美國華茲堡交響樂團、奧地利薩爾斯堡室樂團、羅馬尼亞巴克烏愛樂樂團、中國國家交響樂團、香港管弦樂團、上海交響樂團等擔任鋼琴獨奏,且曾與法國尚藝古樂團成員在紐約演出,擔任古鍵琴手。他曾應邀到卡奈基音樂廳,在指揮大師拉溫尼主持的大師班上演奏,並曾在中國國家主席江澤民及胡錦濤席前演出,獲中央電視台直播。他曾獲已故的華爾頓夫人邀請在作曲家華爾頓的意大利別墅擔任駐府藝術家。此外,廖氏是澳門室內樂協會的創會成員及主席。 廖氏多年來贏過不少獎項,包括香港第一屆TOYAMA亞洲青少年鋼琴大賽冠軍、意大利第六屆摩洛波利國際鋼琴比賽首獎、布烈沙基金會青年指揮獎、韓妮基金獎,並打進第一屆芝加哥交響樂團蘇堤爵士指揮大賽總決賽。同時,因他對促進藝術與文化作出的貢獻,獲香港特區政府民政事務局局長頒授嘉許獎狀,及澳門特區政府榮譽獎狀。 廖氏在香港演藝學院隨鍵盤系主任郭嘉特學習,獲鋼琴演奏一級榮譽學士學位。赴美國茱莉亞音樂學院師隨鋼琴家麥杜奴並考獲碩士學位。後在寇蒂斯音樂學院雙主修隨指揮家梅勒學習管弦樂指揮,及古鍵琴家柏特主修古鍵琴及在新英格蘭音樂學院隨指揮家胡富深造,獲研究生文憑。此外他先後在多個著名指揮家大師班上學習,包括歷圖、狄信湯瑪士、拉溫尼、艾森巴赫、吉伯特、法麗達、艾索普、勒克列夫、梅耶等。 「…為音樂會掀起序幕,以溫雅自信帶領樂團演出。」—《沙托華日報》,二○○八年

Praised by the Philadelphia Inquirer as ‘a startling conducting talent,’ Lio Kuokman is equally sought after as a conductor, piano soloist, and chamber musician.

Lio has worked extensively as conductor in both the symphonic and operatic genres.  He has conducted the Philadelphia Orchestra, Canada’s National Arts Centre Orchestra, Camerata Salzburg, Danish National Symphony Orchestra, Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Pan Asia Symphony, Hong Kong Virtuosi, Taipei Philharmonic, and Macau Orchestra.  As cover conductor with the Philadelphia Orchestra, he has assisted Maestros Charles Dutoit, Christoph von Dohnànyi, Jaap van Zweden, Christoph Eschenbach, Stèphane Denève, and Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos; he has also served as cover conductor for the Handel and Haydn Society in Boston.  At Marin Alsop’s invitation, Lio conducted the Baltimore Symphony in masterclass, as well as the Buffalo Philharmonic with JoAnn Falletta.  Lio was awarded the David Effron Conducting Fellowship to serve as conducting fellow at the Chautauqua Institute.  His appearances at music festivals include the Beijing International Music Festival, Cabrillo New Music Festival, Great Mountain Music Festival (Korea), Hong Kong Arts Festival, and Macau International Music Festival.  In opera, Lio has conducted Don Giovanni, Le nozze di Figaro, Carmen, L’elisir d’amore, Cavalleria rusticana, Pagliacci, Lucia di Lammermoor, and the Hong Kong premiere of Donizetti’s La fille du règiment with Musica Viva in 2010.

In addition to his appearances with professional orchestras, Lio’s passion for education has lead him to work as Apprentice Conductor of the New York Youth Symphony, Assistant Conductor of the New England Conservatory Youth Symphony, Music Director of the Montgomery County Youth Orchestra, the Macau Youth Orchestra on tour in China and Japan, Curtis On Tour in Korea, Guest Conductor of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Art Orchestra, and Guest Conductor for a joint performance with the Afghan Youth Symphony and students of the New England Conservatory.

As a concert pianist, Lio has performed as soloist with the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra, Camerata Salzburg, Romania Bacau Philharmonic, China National Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic, and the Shanghai Symphony.  He has performed as harpsichordist with members of Les Arts Florissants in New York.  He was invited to perform in Carnegie Hall in a masterclass coached by Maestro James Levine, and was honored to perform a piano concerto for the former Chinese Chairman Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao in national broadcast.  He was invited as Artist-in-Residence by the late Lady Walton in William Walton’s villa in Italy, and, as a dedicated chamber musician, he is a founding member and the President of the Macau Chamber Music Association.

Lio has been the recipient of numerous awards, including First Prize in the First Toyama Piano Competition in Hong Kong, Top Prize in the Sixth Mauro Paolo Monopoli International Piano Competition in Italy, the Theodore Presser Foundation Award for Young Conductors, Marilyn Horne Foundation Award, and finalist in the First Chicago Symphony Sir Georg Solti Conducting Competition.  For his contributions to the development of arts and culture, Lio has received a Certificate of Commendation from the Hong Kong Secretary for Home Affairs and an Honorary Diploma from the government of Macau.

Lio received his Bachelor’s Degree with First Class Honour from The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Art in piano performance with Gabriel Kwok, his Master’s Degree in piano performance from the Juilliard School with Robert McDonald, a Diploma from the Curtis Institute of Music with a double major in orchestral conducting with Otto-Werner Mueller and harpsichord studies with Lionel Party and a Graduate Diploma from New England Conservatory with Hugh Wolff.  In addition, Lio has studied in masterclasses of such renowned conductors as Sir Simon Rattle, Michael Tilson Thomas, James Levine, Christoph Eschenbach, Alan Gilbert, JoAnn Falletta, Marin Alsop, Larry Rachleff, and Gustav Meier.

“...opening the concert evening and leading the orchestra with grace and assurance.”
The Chautauquan Daily, 2008

“...beautiful sense of control.”
Star Telegram, 2004