Dr.Matthew J. George, Guest Conductor
Matthew J. George博士現任明尼蘇達州聖托馬斯大學的音樂系主任及樂團指揮,同時也是美國大交響樂團的常任指揮。
曾在美國、加拿大、墨西哥、古巴、哥斯達黎加、歐洲大陸、愛爾蘭、英國、澳洲、日本、中國、巴西以及阿根廷等各地進行內容豐富的音樂指導、指揮以及專題講座,主要教授音樂方面的專業知識及教育方法。經常獲邀於世界各地擔任客席指揮,他曾與多個專業交響樂團、管樂團進行合作,並參與指導各個年齡段的藝術團體,其中包括巴西管樂團、英國國家青年管樂團、昆士蘭音樂學院管樂團、伯明翰交響管樂團等。同時,Matthew J. George曾在英國、澳洲、中國的多個國際音樂節中擔任藝術總監,如在澳洲的悉尼歌劇院、上海的東方藝術中心以及北京的中山音樂堂舉行的多項活動。
Matthew J. George和他的樂團參加過多個音樂協會的活動,如明尼蘇達州音樂教育者協會、美國大學生樂團指揮協會、以及美國音樂教育者協會等。在他的指導下,樂團曾多次在美國國內外的著名音樂場館進行演出,如悉尼歌劇院的尤金、顧森斯音樂廳及巿政廳、墨西哥國家劇院、古巴國家劇院、哥斯達黎加國家劇院、以及中國和日本的多個頂級音樂廳等。樂團也曾在美國國家廣播電台、墨西哥國家廣播電台、澳洲廣播公司、美國PBS電視台等進行過現場演出。在他的指揮下,樂團也出版了兩張專輯:《Road to the Stars》以及《Out of Nowhere》。
作為音樂教授,Matthew George近期參與了世界各地的多項音樂盛會,如美國中西部國際管樂大會,Matthew George在會上主要就指揮教育、管樂演奏文化以及編曲方面做了演講。同時,還是多個學術機構的主要成員。他曾任美國大學生樂團指揮協會中北分會的主席、明尼蘇達州指揮協會的理事,並且是美國作曲家協會、美國管樂協會、美國音樂教育家協會、明尼蘇達州省樂教育家協會以及世界交響管樂團聯盟大會的成員。
Matthew J. George, Guest Conductor
Matthew J. George holds a D.M.A. degree in conducting from the University of North Texas, a M.M. degree in music education from Southern Methodist University, and a B.M. degree in music education and trumpet performance from Ithaca College. Dr. George is Professor of Music, Director of Bands and Chair of the Department of Music at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota.
He is active as a conductor, clinician/lecturer and adjudicator which have taken him across the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Cuba, Costa Rica, continental Europe, Ireland and the UK, Australia, Japan, China, Brazil and Argentina. George has conducted such groups as the Brazilian Wind Orchestra, Orquesta Sinfónica de Guanajuato (Mexico), the National Youth Wind Orchestra of Great Britain, Queensland Conservatorium Wind Symphony (Australia), Birmingham Symphonic Winds (UK) the Banda de Bilbao Musika (Spain) and the Band of the People’s Liberation Army (China), and has sat on international adjudication panels for such organizations as the National Concert Band Festival of Great Britain, The Chinese National Band Festival, and the Certamen de Valencia in Spain.
George regularly leads his ensembles on several international performance tours and also to performances at major music conferences including the Midwest Clinic, MMEA, CBDNA, and MENC. Dedicated to the creation of new works for wind band, his credits of commissioned works by prolific national and international composers number over seventy. Under his direction, the UST Symphonic Wind Ensemble has recorded some of these works on the Innova record label with three compact discs - Road to the Stars, Out of Nowhere and From All Sides.
A participating member in several professional scholarly organizations, George has served as president of the College Band Directors National Association North Central Conference. |