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梁樂鳴 指揮
Nelson Leong, Ngok Meng, Conductor

現為廣州交響樂團小號樂師,並常應邀參與澳門樂團及香港城巿室樂團之演出。現於澳門管樂協會、澳門演藝學院、澳門青年交響樂團、澳門大學管樂團及多所中小學任教小號及擔任指揮。2012年以優異成績於紐約曼尼斯音樂學院 (Mannes College the New School for Music) 取得小號演奏碩士學位,師從前紐約愛樂小號 Vincent Penzarella,並跟隨國際著名低音長號演奏家 David Taylor 學習室內樂。2010年獲三藩巿音樂學院 (San Francisco Conservatory of Music) 音樂學士學位,師承三藩巿歌劇院前代理小號首席David Burkhart。

自8歲便於培正中學管樂團初試啼聲,後跟隨香港小交響樂團前小號首席馮啟文老師以及澳門樂團小號首席 David Rouault學習小號;自1997年起,作為澳門青年管樂團及澳門青年交響樂團的創會成員,梁氏以小號首席的身份曾隨團到歐洲、澳洲、亞洲及中國各大城巿演出。並曾於 Gábor Tarkövi, Philip Smith, Kevin Cobb, Eric Aubier 大師班演奏。

梁氏自9歲首次取得澳門青年音樂比賽小號初級組冠軍後,其後幾年亦在小號獨奏、銅管室內樂及鋼琴方面也獲得多個獎項;11歲已隨香港演藝學院管樂團至新加坡巡迴演出;在2001及2002年獲文化局邀請於「藝蕾初綻」音樂會以小號獨奏者身份與前澳門室內樂團、廣州交響樂團及深圳交響樂團合作演出 Hummel及 Haydn小號協奏曲;2002及2005年於澳門青年交響樂團「澳門樂壇新一代」音樂會上,分別以小號及鋼琴與樂團合作協奏曲;2007及2008年於同系列之音樂會上擔任指揮。2010年以小號獨奏身份與澳門青年管樂團合作演出Arutunian小號協奏曲。在美留學期間,以學院小號首席多次於卡內基音樂廳及林肯中心演奏;亦經常以特約樂手的身份參與獨奏、室內樂及管弦樂團等各種形式演出。

Nelson Leong, Ngok Meng
A native of Macau, Nelson Leong just won the job in Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra. He had worked as being a freelancer in Macau Orchestra, City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong since 2012 and in San Francisco and New York from in the last 5 years. Besides, he works as a wind band conductor and trumpet tutor in Macau Band Director Association, Macau Conservatory, Macau Youth Symphony Orchestra Association, the Symphonic Band of University of Macau and severals primary and secondary schools. He holds degrees from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music (B.M.), and the New School of Music at Mannes College (M.M). His primary teachers have included David Burkhart, former acting principal trumpet of San Francisco Opera; and Vincent Penzarella, former trumpet player in the New York Philharmonic. He has also studied with Scott Thronburg, David Rouault (principal trumpet of Macau Orchestra) and Kenneth Fong (former principal trumpet of Hong Kong Sinfonietta).

Leong was principal trumpet of the Macao Youth Symphony Orchestra and Macao Youth Symphony Band. When Leong was 9 years old, he earned his first prize in the Macao Young Musicians Competition in the junior trumpet category. Since then, he has won various awards in the trumpet solo, chamber brass, and piano categories.

Leong visited Singapore with the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Symphonic Band at the age of 12. In the year following, Leong visited Taiwan for the International Band Festival. In 2002 and 2003 respectively, Leong performed the Hummel and Haydn trumpet concertos with the former Macao Chamber Orchestra in the Cultural Bureau of the “Flourishing Arts” concerts. In 2010, Leong performed the Arutunian Trumpet Concerto with Macau Youth Symphonic Band. As a pianist, Leong performed the Shostakovich Piano Concerto No.2 at the Concert of New Generation of Macao Musicians in 2005. In the New Generation series in 2007 and 2008, he appeared as conductor of the Macau Youth Symphony Orchestra. While studying in U.S, Leong attended master classes given by Gábor Tarkövi, Philip Smith, Kevin Cobb, Eric Aubier.
 He hopes to bring all that he has learned from the United States back to share with Macau.