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邊度‧沙 José Amável Pereira Pinto de Sá , Guest Conductor

曾於葡萄牙國立音樂學院修讀圓號課程,其間隨 Amando José Fernade 學習圓號及作曲,亦在高秉根基金會所辦的圓號課程中,師事Edmondo Colli Vignarrelli, Adácio Pestana及Gabriel Bellini。十四歲參加青少年管樂團,開展了其音樂生涯,十八歲成為當地軍樂隊第五隊的圓號手。



1986年回葡受委任在第一步兵團組織音樂學校,稍後在此組成里斯本軍區樂隊,並任領導至1992年退休。其間,多次帶領樂隊與英國皇家Green Jackets管樂團交流演出。


José Amável Pereira Pinto de Sá was born in Montemor-O-Novo, Portugal, 1939. He started learning music with his father at the age of 11. He had his formal study in horn at National Music Conservatory. During those years, he studied horn and composing with Amando José Fernade. In addition, he had also attended courses organised by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and studied with Edmondo Coli Vignarrelli, Adácio Pestana and Gabriel Bellini. He started his life as a musician in the Music Amateur Band at the age of 14. He was the hornist in the fifth troops of the local military band at the age of 18.

Pinto de Sá has worked with numerous military bands as soloist and teacher. He was also member in Lisbon Philharmonic Orchestra, Mozambique Radio Chamber Orchestra and National Theatre Opera Orchestra of Saint Carlos. He had also raised numerous musical organisations, especially National Broadcast Symphony Orchestra. In addition, he had also been a conductor at Lusitânia Chamber Orchestra.

In 1980, Pinto de Sá was appointed to renovate Macao Police Band. In his term of service, he put a lot of effort to improve the performing standard of the Band. In additional to official ceremonies, the Band also toured around schools. At the same time, he frequently led the Band to perform in many charity occasions. His enthusiasm was the force behind the founding of many school bands ever after.

Pinto de Sá founded the School of Music to serve in the 1st Regiment Infantry after his return to Portugal in 1986. Later, he also founded the Lisbon Regional Musical Band and served there until his retirement in 1992. In this period, he had led the band to exchange with the “Royal Green Jackets” Band of the United Kingdom for many times.

In his career, he was given many compliments and medals, especially the Award of Outstanding Service and Medal of Merit in Culture given by the Macao Government.