Activities 2011
“The Fun of Winds” Ensemble Concert
二零一一年四月二十三日 星期六 晚上八時正
主辦Presented by: 澳門管樂協會 Macau Band Directors Association
票價:一律$30 (不設劃位)
票務查詢:(853) 2855 5555
節目查詢:(853) 2825 2825
贊助:澳門基金會 教育暨青年局 民政總署
特別鳴謝:澳門理工學院 (場地資助)
“The Fun of Winds” Ensemble Concert
Macao Polytechnic Institute, Auditorium
23 April 2011 20:00
Presented by: Macau Band Directors Association
The performing Ensembles are formed by the members from the Macau Youth Symphonic Band. The ensemble includes: flute, clarinet, saxophone, french horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba, percussion, the woodwind and the brass quintets. We will perform music in different genres and hope to celebrate the Easter holiday with you all.
Price: $30 (Free Seating)
Ticketing Office: Kong Seng Ticketing Network
Ticketing Enquiries: (853) 2855 5555
Programme Enquiries: (853) 2825 2825
Sponsors by: Macao Foundation, DSEJ, IACM
Acknowledgement: Macao Polytechnic Institute