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Activities 2014

『愛很簡單III』 孫穎麟與澳門青年管樂團音樂會

2014年8月23日 星期六 晚上八時正

『愛很簡單』是澳門管樂協會品牌項目之一,是屬下澳門青年管樂團以管樂藝術與流行音樂結合的表演節目,音樂會將由近年活躍於星、港、澳等地的薩克管演奏家 孫穎麟,剛畢業於荷蘭海牙音樂學院薩克管演奏碩士的呂瀚章等聯同澳門青年管樂團同台演出。以薩克管的細膩和靈巧,典雅柔和的歌聲再配上大型管樂團氣勢磅礡 之現場伴奏,演繹最新的流行樂曲,相信是次音樂會將令觀眾從另一角度認識管樂藝術多變的演奏形式。

特別邀請: 孫穎麟 薩克管 呂瀚章 薩克管
梁沛龍 指揮

門票2014月6日1日起於廣星售票網公開發售 $100
票務查詢:(853) 2855 5555 節目查詢:(853) 2825 2825




Citizens’ Concert,
presented by the Macao Foundation
【El amor es simple III】
Timothy Sun and Macau Youth Symphonic Band Concert

23.08.2014 (SAT) 8pm Macao Culture Centre, Grand Auditorium
Organized by:Macau Band Directors Association

【El amores simple】is one of the brand products of Macau Band Directors Association (MBDA).
The concert is hosted by MBDA’s subordinate, Macau Youth Symphonic Band (MYSB).
The concert is performed by a famous local saxophonist Mr. Timothy Sun and a saxophonist, who graduated recently from The Hague Royal Conservatoire, Mr. Hugo Loi. Recently, the combination performance between wind music and pop-music receive applause from the circle of society. This year, the innovation of music performance remains the priority of MBDA.

Special Guest, Timothy Sun,
saxophone Hugo Loi, saxophone
Macau Youth Symphonic Band Leong Pui Long, conductor

Tickets will be available from 1st June 2014 at Kong Seng Ticketing Network
Tickets Price: MOP100 Ticketing Enquiries: (853) 2855 5555 Programme Enquiries: (853) 2825 2825

Sponsors by: Macao Foundation
Acknowledgement:Macao Cultural Centre
Kelly Chau

澳門管樂協會 Macau Band Directors Association
Avenida do Almirante Lacerda No. 139-145, Industrial Nam Yic 1 Andar C,
Macau Mob.:(853) 6686 6332 Tel.:(853)2825 2825 Fax.:2825 2825
Facebook: 澳門管樂協會Macau Band Directors Assocation