李天池博士 Dr.Lee Tian Tee, Guest Conductor 李天池博士現為新加坡管樂協會主席。在獲得新加坡公共服務-新加坡交響樂團獎學金後赴美國東密西根大學修讀音樂係,並在Carter Eggers及James Underwood兩位小號大師的指揮下掌握了精湛的小號表演技術。李博士在美國期間亦曾獲幾位著名指揮家如Shalom Ronly Riklis教授、Russel Reed及已故的Elizabeth Green夫人的指導。在1986年考獲音樂系學士學位後李博士便回國在新加坡交響樂團擔任小號演奏家九年,同時也擔任新加坡國立大學、新加坡理工學院、英華初級學院及英華中學(獨立)的管樂團指揮。 在1996年李博士獲得李氏基金獎學金後再度赴美國加州University of Pacific深造,並獲得該校音樂教育系頒發的Graduate Assistant獎學金。在修讀碩士學位時李博士也當過大學交響樂團及管樂團的客席指揮,同時也是美國三藩巿管樂團的小號演奏家。李博士也在1997年夏季Cazadero表演藝術營會擔任高級導師。李博士在獲得新加坡國立教育學院頒發的博士研究生獎學金後開始了對新加坡管樂教育的研究工作並於2004年獲得博士學位。 李博士所指揮的樂團屢次在新加坡及海外許多比賽中取得驕人的成績,如在荷蘭舉辦的第十四屆World Music Contest獲得一等獎、在瑞士的International Alpine Music Festival獲得銅獎及銀牌獎、在2001及2006年於澳洲舉辦的Australian International Music Festival獲得金牌及Command Band(第一名)的榮譽。 李博士也曾多次被邀擔任評委及指揮,包括於1999、2000、2002年的新加坡青年節全國管樂團比賽及第十屆的Australian International Music Festival擔任評委,於第25及26屆National Cadet Officer (NCO) Camp擔任音樂總監。他也在2007年受邀到悉尼指揮第十一屆Australian International Music Festival的World wind Band及在香港、澳門的2007年的「港澳管樂繽紛」指揮青年及兒童管樂團。 李博士在2001成立了世界管樂協會駐新加坡的分會(現已改名為新加坡管樂協會)並舉辦許多大型管樂活動。李博士目前是英華中學(獨立)、英華初級學院的管樂團指揮,也是西韻管樂團(武基巴督聯絡所)的音樂總監。此外,李博士也在多個音樂組織擔任的委員,包括新加坡管樂協會主席、Music Educators National Conference會員、Conductors Guild會員、新加坡管樂教師協會委員及世界管樂協會理事會成員。
In 1996, Dr. Lee Left Singapore for further studies in the University of Pacific in California under the Lee Foundation scholarship. While he was there, he was also awarded the Graduate Assistant Scholarship of the Music Education Department. He also guest-conducted the university orchestra and concert band and served as trumpeter of the San Francisco Wind Orchestra. In the summer of 1997, he served as the senior faculty of the “Cazadero” Performing Arts Camp. Dr. Lee Tian Tee graduated from Eastern Michigan University in 1986 with a Bachelor of Music (Trumpet Performance) degree under a four-year Public Service Commission (PSC)/ Singapore Symphony Orchestra (SSO) Scholarship. Under the tutelage of Mr. Carter Eggers and Mr. James Underwood, he mastered the rudiments of trumpet playing. He then took an interest in conducting and studied the fine art of conducting under renowned mentors including Professor Shalom Rony Riklis, Mr. Russel Reed and the late Ms Elizabeth Green. When he returned, he served in the Singapore Symphony Orchestra for nine years and became the resident conductor of several bands including the Singapore Polytechnic Band, West-Winds, the National University of Singapore Band and the Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) and Anglo-Chinese Junior Colleage Concert Bands. Dr. Lee graduated as a Doctoral Graduate Research Scholar from the National Institute of Education of the Nanyang Technological University in 2004, where he had focused his research on wind band education in Singapore. Dr. Lee has led his bands to outstanding awards at numerous national and international band competitions, including the First Prize Award at the 14th World Music Contest in the Netherlands, Bronze and Silver Award the international Alpine Music Festival and clinching the Command Band title and Gold Awards at the Australian International Music Festival in 2001 and 2006. Being such a distinguished conductor has earned him a seat among the panel of adjudicators during the Singapore Youth Festival Central Judging of Concert Bands (Secondary Schools) in 1999 and (Primary Schools) in 2000, 2002 and the 10th Australian International Music Festival in Sydney. He served as the Music Director in the 25th and 26th National Cadet Officer (NCO) Camp for secondary school bands. He was also invited to be the Conductor of the World Wind band at the 11th Australian International Music Festival this year in Sydney and the guest conductor for the Hong Kong & Macau Band Fair 2007. In 2001, Dr. Lee founded the Singapore chapter of the World Association of Symphonic Band s and Ensembles (WASBE, now known as the Winds Band s Association of Singapore) which organized numerous activities to promote and educate the local wind bands. Presently, he is the band conductor for Anglo-Chinese School (Independent) Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble, Anglo-Chinese Junior College and Clementi Town Secondary School Concert Bands; and is also Music Director for West Winds, Band of the Bukit Community Club (Singapore). Besides being president of the Wind Bands Association of Singapore, Dr. Lee also holds memberships to the Music Educators National Conference (MENC), Conductors Guild, and the Singapore Band Directors’ Association. He is also a board member and member of WASBE International. |