梁沛文 指揮 畢業於澳門理工學院藝術高等學校音樂教育高等學位課程。年幼時已對音樂產生濃厚興趣,1992年加入澳門治安警察廳銀樂隊,於工餘時間義務參與澳門青年管樂團訓練工作。也是澳門管樂協會及澳門青年交響樂團協會創辦人之一。現為澳門青年管樂團之指揮,並擔任多所中學管樂團之雙簧管及敲擊樂導師。 Leong Pui Man, who graduated in Macau Polytechnic Institute for his Diploma of Music education, began his music studies at an early age. He joined the Macau Police Band in 1992. He is under obligation to be conductor of the Macau Youth Symphonic Band (Junior Band) Being the founders of MBDA & MYSO, he is also active in teaching instrumental performance at school. |